2022 Broadway Autumn Festival and Antique Car Show
Eugene Bare | Posted on |
The 2022 Broadway Autumn Festival and Antique Car Show may have been the biggest and best ever! With over 60 antique cars on display and countless art, craft, food and other vendors in attendance it was an excellent event. Friends, neighbors and visitors to the town enjoyed live music by Appalachian Crabgrass and browsed hand made crafts, jewelry and much more all morning.
The judges of the car show had a challenging task ahead of them with so many meticulously restored antique cars to choose from. After much scoring and debate between themselves they chose to award the trophy and prize money to Linda Roadcap and her blue Super Bee. Linda and her husband Wayne are both car enthusiasts and take great pride in their antique cars. Mike Yankey, president of the antique car club awarded the trophy. Allen Showalter, Brent Litten and Chris Gunter kindly served as volunteer judges.
If you have never attended the annual Broadway Autumn Festival & Antique Car Show be sure to do so in the future, it grows each year and just seems to pack in more fun each time!