Kids Fishing Day
Kids Fishing Day
About The Event:
Gary E. Post Kids fishing day is an annual event held in honor of a local business owner who loved fishing and always believed it was a wonderful activity for children and families. The event is now organized by his wife Mary with the the support of her family, friends, The Town of Broadway and The Broadway Hometown Partnership.
Next Event Date
The Gary E. Post Kids Fishing Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, 2024, at Heritage Park. The rain date is Saturday, May 4, 2024. Please check back for more details.
Registration Guidelines
- Girl sheets are Lavender Boy sheets are green
- Each sheet has two tickets taped to it. One ticket is for free lunch. One ticket is for the drawing of prizes.
- The prize ticket must have child’s first name and last initial written on it by you – the registrar. After you write the child’s name on it, put it into the prize jug.
- The lunch ticket is given to the parent or the child. The child will receive a free lunch – one hot dog, bag of chips, a juice box, and a dessert cake (Little Debbies).
- The sheet must be filled out by a parent or registration volunteer and MUST be legible.
- We must have a phone number and the child’s first and last name on each sheet.
- Please get age for prizes – prizes will be selected for the child by Mary.
- Once the sheets are filled out, they are filed alphabetically by first name – NO SEPERATION OF GIRLS AND BOYS – in a large binder.
Give each child:
- A goodie bag
- A hat
- A DQ ice cream cone coupon
- Verbally provide to parents and child
- fishing instructions,
- drawing of prizes, and
- free lunch